Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) has been a steadfast supporter of Sakura House for nearly two decades. From the very beginning, TMMC has seen the value of ensuring that a residential hospice was available in Oxford County. Their unwavering support through the years is incredibly special and allows Sakura House to continue to provide invaluable end of life care for patients and their families.
Please take a moment to read below about our beginnings and how the TMMC partnership made Sakura House a reality.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) acquired land in Woodstock in 2005 to build a new assembly plant. This plot of land included one of the finest homes in Ontario, which TMMC chose to donate to the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) Oxford to operate as the first and only residential hospice in Oxford Country.
From 2006 to 2009, TMMC covered the carrying costs on the property while the VON undertook fundraising efforts. VON Oxford was proud to open the doors of Sakura House residential hospice to the residents of Oxford County in September 2009; something that would not have been possible without the committed partnership shared with TMMC.
The hospice is one of less than 30 residential hospice available across all of Ontario. Our community feels grateful to TMMC for helping us take that initial step toward creating a hospice for Oxford County, and for standing by our side as we work hard to provide exceptional palliative hospice care to members of our community.
TMMC Team Members continue to support Sakura House through their Community Support program and have completed projects like the repainting of the 7.2 km fence around the expansive property. In May 2014, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada gifted $355,000 to VON Oxford and Sakura House to eliminate the remainder of the debt from the building of Sakura House in 2008. To date, TMMC has continued to show their support by sponsoring the fundraising efforts of events like Hike for Hospice, Handbags for Hospice and Lights of Love.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) presented VON Oxford with a cheque for $355,000 on May 30, 2014. The funds are for Sakura House residential hospice to eliminate the remainder of the Capital Campaign debt that they have been paying down since the hospice was built in 2008. Brian Krinock, TMMC President was quoted in the Sentinel-Review newspaper as saying, “It was really an idea to help them do what they do well, keep the beds occupied and focus on those last days of life. That way their fundraising isn’t about capital campaigning, it’s about the operations of the hospice and getting that money through to help families.”
“What this gift offers to us is the opportunity to start the next chapter of our fundraising in this community” said Cindy Kinnon, District Executive Director for VON Oxford & Middlesex-Elgin. “It will mean that we can turn our attention to securing the $376,000 needed each year to operate Sakura House, which is free of charge to families. It will also offer us the chance to raise funds for other important community supports, and that’s something we are looking forward to exploring.”
For more information about Sakura House, you can contact:
Manager, Home & Community Care (519-537-8515 x 1017)
Volunteer Coordinator (519-537-8515 x 1022)
Coordinator of Administration (519-537-8515 x 4)
Fund Development Team
If you have any questions or would like to make a donation, please contact the Fund Development Team. We also coordinate the annual Hike for Hospice, Handbags for Hospice, and Lights of Love Fundraiser Events. General email inquiries can go to oxfordgiving@von.ca.
Senior Manager, Fund Development (519-280-1499)
Fund Development Coordinators (226-385-6298 or 519-709-8332)