Tom’s Story


Tom got into his wheelchair and arranged for a cab ride from the hospital one day while his family was visiting in September 2009, so they could tour Sakura House together. He asked to be admitted the very next day. He says, “I came to Sakura House knowing I needed 24 hour care. Since my arrival, my experience has been really wonderful. The facility is marvelous, but the people here have made this house a home away from home.

“And it’s not only been a comfort for me, but more importantly it’s been a comfort for my family. You see, they live far and wide and were worried about my care and how I was going to manage. But when they visit and see the degree of care I receive, they are so marvelously happy and pleased. All the worries about me are gone, because they’ve seen the level of care and dedication.

“I don’t think I can emphasize enough the level of care and caring that is shown in people’s actions here. It’s not just words; it’s their actual actions. They have helped me beyond the call of necessity. They do things willingly and out of their heart. That’s their great strength and that’s what will make Sakura House a real success.” Tom called Sakura House home for 5 weeks.


Hazel’s Story


Ron’s Story