Hazel’s Story


(Excerpt from a letter sent to VON Oxford from Hazel’s daughter)

“Mom was referred to Sakura House on April 16th and exactly three months later to the day, July 16th, Mom passed away. When Mom arrived at Sakura House in April, the nurses and our family expected that she may survive for a week. She was so frail and sick. However, she surprised all of us and was with us for an additional three months. We, the family, attribute this solely to the care she was given at Sakura House. Our mom was a very strong lady in spite of her diminutive size but her strength and strong will were only part of why she lasted until just 14 days shy of her 90th birthday.

“Mom was reluctant to leave her home as are so many elderly folks. We told her that Sakura House was the next best thing to being in your own home and it truly was. In fact, we could honestly say that Sakura House was far superior to being in her own home. The gentle, loving, compassionate and professional care that was extended to our mom by the doctors, nurses, and personal care workers and volunteers was so incredibly beneficial for our mom that it is difficult to find words to describe how she thrived under their watch. Mom improved in so many ways. Because of the catheter and power bed, she was able to conserve her energy for visiting with friends and family. She loved the idea of choosing her food from the Sakura House menu. It was akin to staying in a fancy hotel where she would order room service. She looked forward every day to the many volunteers who became her friends. We are forever indebted to Cathy who did her hair every week, to Joanne who sang along with mom and even made a CD for her of her favorite songs and to Krista who painted mom’s nails blue to match her outfit for her birthday celebration. Mom’s life was enriched by her caregivers: all of them – from the doctors who knew just what meds she needed to ease her pain and nausea to the nurses who lovingly administered her meds to the personal care workers who so gently dressed her every day in her jazzy clothes and jewelry, just allowing her to be a pretty gal right to the end. And, the bubble baths. Oh my, how mom loved her bubble baths and the spa experience.

“Mom would not allow the use of a wheelchair prior to arriving at Sakura House but soon she was enjoying trips around the house and gardens lovingly guided by the volunteers who persuaded her that she must see the beautiful gardens. She told us that she would live long enough to enjoy her amazing patio and so she did. Her favourite pastime at Sakura House, apart from her bubble baths, was to sit in the beautiful Adirondack chairs on her patio and enjoy the Oxford County countryside. These moments were made even better when one of the staff would join her for a little visit.

“I think you can understand the immediate impact that Sakura House had on our mom when I tell you that she was there just two short days when she said to us: “When I go, I want you to donate $1,000.00 to Sakura House because they take such good care of me here.” Well, Mom looked after her decision to make a donation to Sakura House all by herself because she had three amazing additional months of life in which she was able to write letters to friends, communicate to her family all the things that she wanted to say before she left us and, in essence, make certain that she had everything in order so that her work here on earth was done.

“We, as her family, are so incredibly grateful and forever thankful to the amazing staff and volunteers of Sakura House, not only for their exceptional care of our mom but also for the care and compassion that was shown to all of us. We consider that all of us are exceedingly blessed to have this amazing facility right here in Oxford County.

“I know Mom would join me in thanking you all from the bottom of our hearts.”


The Weger Family


Tom’s Story